Online Learning Tech Requirements

太阳城集团博彩的在线课程利用Canvas作为在线教育平台,让学生与他们的老师和同学互动,并完成作业. To operate Canvas, students must have basic internet skills, consistent access to a Windows PC or Mac, and know how to perform the following tasks:

  • Upload files as email attachments.
  • Submit online assignments.
  • Use discussion boards, email and chats.
  • Use Microsoft Office software, primarily MS Word.

Note: Do not rely on smartphones or Chromebooks. 在移动设备上访问网站功能和所需的课程材料是有限的, 而chromebook不支持必要的软件.


学生还必须有兼容的硬件和软件. 请探索以下领域,以了解更多关于太阳城集团博彩的在线技术要求.

Computer Requirements
  1. Hardware:
    • 学生必须主要使用台式电脑或笔记本电脑(Windows PC或Mac)。.
    • 谷歌chromebook与某些必备软件不完全兼容,因此不能用于所有在线课程.
    • Online classes cannot be completed on a smartphone or tablet, 但它们可以作为第二种通信手段,通过使用 Canvas Mobile App.
    • iPad用户可以从苹果应用商店下载RLDB. 注意:教师必须选择允许使用iPad的选项.
  2. Minimum Screen Size:
    • Windows PC: 1280 x 768
    • Mac: 1280 x 800
  3. Compatible Operating Systems:
    • Windows PC: Windows 10 or higher
    • Mac: OSX 10.10 or higher.
  4. Random Access Memory (RAM)
    • Windows PC: 4 GB RAM (for most PCs); 2 GB RAM (on a 32-bit system)
    • Mac: 4 GB RAM
  5. Processor:
    • Windows PC: 2.0 GHz processor
    • Mac: Intel
  6. High-Speed Internet Connection:
    • 大多数课程需要高速/宽带接入.
    • Do not rely on public Wi-Fi or dial-up access. The use of public access Wi-Fi (for example, 在餐馆或图书馆)可能会导致缓慢或错误.
  7. Supported Web Browsers:
    • 确保你使用的是最新版本的浏览器,比如Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.
    • Internet Explorer is not supported.
    • 提示:如果你用一个浏览器有问题,那就换一个.
  8. Word Processing Software:
  9. Canvas Mobile App
    • Again, do not rely on smartphones and tablets. 它们可以作为获取课程材料的次要手段,但功能有限.
    • Android: Version 5.0 or higher.
    • iOS: Version 13.0 or higher.
    • How to download the Canvas Mobile App


Microphone, Speakers & Webcam (or Audio & Video)
  • Some courses will require a microphone to use with Canvas or web proctoring.
  • 一些网络摄像头和笔记本电脑已经内置了麦克风. 如果没有,你可能需要购买一个网络摄像头或麦克风.
  • Headphone/earbuds/speakers for listening.
  • 能够进行视频会议或录制演讲的网络摄像头(SPEC 101).
  • Note: For online completely sections of SPEC 101, 学生必须按照IAI的要求录制他们的演讲. 查看在线完全SPEC 101课程的要求
Exams and Testing

Most online courses will require you to take online tests that are monitored; these are known as "proctored exams.“一些在线课程可能会让你选择在BHC考试中心参加监考,或者通过BHC的网络监考工具.

The first tool is Respondus LockDown Browser (RLDB) Use the following for installation instructions:

    1. Log in to the Chromebook start Google Chrome.
    2. 登录到Canvas并导航到需要锁定浏览器的考试.
    3. 选择用于下载和安装锁定浏览器的链接.
    4. 从Chrome网络商店中,选择“添加到Chrome”来安装锁定浏览器扩展.
  • iPad用户可以从苹果应用商店下载RLDB. 注意:教师必须选择允许使用iPad的选项.
  • 如果你使用的是由高中或雇主管理的Chromebook, 希望他们已经在您的设备上添加了RLDB扩展. If not, and your course requires it, please send the LockDown Administrator Guide (PDF) to the person who manages the Chromebook devices.

* If using Windows S Mode, you must switch out of it or find an alternative; cannot switch S Mode back into.

The second tool is Respondus Monitor. Some courses require a test to be proctored via RLDB and Respondus Monitor. 请观看本视频了解更多有关Respondus Monitor的信息.

Courses that are completely online might give you the choice to take a proctored test at a BHC Testing Center.

Respondus Monitor requires:

  • Webcam with microphone.
  • High-speed/broadband internet connection.
  • Installation of BHC’s RLDB.
  • 身份证明:您将被要求拍摄您的政府颁发的带照片的身份证明. 可接受的身份证件包括驾驶执照或带照片的身份证. The ID must include your photo and name. (You may cover up personal information, e.g. driver's license number, address, weight, height, etc.)

Note: 作为BHC与Respondus协议的一部分,Respondus为我们所有的用户提供支持. Please go to our Online Learning Orientation Troubleshooting 页面了解有关向Respondus提交票证的详细信息.


Further Information


Note这些是大多数在线课程的基本要求. 请查看您正在学习或考虑学习的任何课程的“课程目标和技术要求”链接,看看是否有进一步的要求. Search courses here.

Remember to have a backup plan! 在参加在线课程时,最好有一个备用计划,以防连接问题和/或设备故障. Most libraries have internet access, 或者你可能有一个朋友,你可以打电话给你的技术问题. 太阳城集团博彩的计算机实验室也可以在工作时间使用. Having a backup plan can prevent lots of stress later!

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